Binary MLM Software
A binary MLM Software is one of the simplest structures that revolves around two member recruits at the first level. For every MLM plan, the members at the same level were all equivalent to each other however, what is fascinating for this plan is that in the two recruits, one of them is the power leg and the other one, the profit leg, which is determined by whether they are placed right or left in the tree structure.

Why Binary MLM Software is the best MLM Software
A large number of companies that are major league players in the multilevel marketing business owe their success to the binary MLM plan. While all compensation plans have their unique features to offer, the binary level MLM plan has earned its massive traction based on the financial freedom and the massive growth rate that it has to offer.
How does the Binary MLM Software work?
Each member, however, can only have a maximum of two recruits in their immediate down chain. Any additional recruit, that is more than two members, spills over into the next level and is usually placed on the power leg. Thus, all and any profits that are generated by that member are shared by all members in their upline.

What are the main benefits of the Binary MLM Software?
Fast Expansion
Unlimited Depth
Keep safe database
Binary MLM Software compensation
Profit leg
Power leg
Bonuses in Binary MLM Software

Pairing Bonus
Sponsor Commissions

Rank Advancement Bonus
Signup Bonus

Direct Referral Bonus
Why elite MLM software is best for binary MLM Software

Looking for a robust software that runs the binary mlm plan with ease, efficiency and down to the nail, accuracy? Look no further, for with the Elite MLM software, you finally have the opportunity to grow your business with the binary MLM compensation plan that seamlessly integrates with your desired software!