Binary MLM Software

A binary MLM Software is one of the simplest structures that revolves around two member recruits at the first level. For every MLM plan, the members at the same level were all equivalent to each other however, what is fascinating for this plan is that in the two recruits, one of them is the power leg and the other one, the profit leg, which is determined by whether they are placed right or left in the tree structure.

Why Binary MLM Software is the best MLM Software

A large number of companies that are major league players in the multilevel marketing business owe their success to the binary MLM plan. While all compensation plans have their unique features to offer, the binary level MLM plan has earned its massive traction based on the financial freedom and the massive growth rate that it has to offer.

How does the Binary MLM Software work?

The binary MLM Software, taking off from its name, is established on the workings of its two members, also known as legs: the left leg (Power leg) and the right leg (the Profit leg). Each new recruit can be on either side of the structure depending upon where the team member who has hired them, places them.

Each member, however, can only have a maximum of two recruits in their immediate down chain. Any additional recruit, that is more than two members, spills over into the next level and is usually placed on the power leg. Thus, all and any profits that are generated by that member are shared by all members in their upline.

binary mlm software

What are the main benefits of the Binary MLM Software?



Due to the spillover effect (explained in How does the binary Plan work?), the power leg chain mutually benefits from the profits made by each additional member. This encourages higher returns because of the success of the entire upline.

Fast Expansion

Since the compensation amount works based on the weakest link of the structure, the upline is hence bound to offer any and all support that they can garner to build their other, weaker leg. This leads to a rapid expansion and a content and happier general team structure!

Unlimited Depth

While the same line members are fixed to a maximum of two recruits, the depth of the network knows no bounds and therefore, the profits generated are unrestrained depending on how fast the tree structure grows.

Keep safe database

With the Elite MLM Software, the data of all members of the large organizational structure is guaranteed to be protected. While most multilevel marketing software struggle to handle the large data sizes of business records safe. However, with the Elite MLM Software, that is no longer an issue.

Binary MLM Software compensation

Profit leg

The profit leg is the leg with the fewer members but higher profit generation.

Power leg

The power leg is the member who has a larger number of downline recruits than the other leg, thus controlling the man power.

Bonuses in Binary MLM Software

Pairing Bonus

Once all downline members have made their sales and gained sizeable profits, they are awarded point values that determine the pairing bonuses of upper line members. Depending on company policies and the features you opt for, there may even be a capping limit on these. However, the main aim is to keep the network growing and active.

Sponsor Commissions

Sponsor or introducer bonus, as it is widely known among binary MLM plan users, is gained for each direct referral that a member in the organizational structure makes. Calculated as a certain percentage of a specified amount, this bonus has been known as a good way for members to make additional income and for companies to keep their network blooming.

Rank Advancement Bonus

Members who add new members and increase the network growth will advance to a higher rank for a certain period. And after the period, the members of the binary MLM plan will be reset to their default rank.

Signup Bonus

Newly joined members of the binary MLM system will receive a signup bonus for their entry/arrival. The admin of the binary MLM software can fix the signup bonus either in percentage or flat.

Direct Referral Bonus

Why elite MLM software is best for binary MLM Software


Looking for a robust software that runs the binary mlm plan with ease, efficiency and down to the nail, accuracy? Look no further, for with the Elite MLM software, you finally have the opportunity to grow your business with the binary MLM compensation plan that seamlessly integrates with your desired software!